School Timetable, Absences & Behaviour


It is expected that students do not arrive at school before 8.00 am and have departed by 3.00 pm at the latest.

Please make prior arrangements with the school if child/ren will be at school outside of these hours.


School begins instruction at 9.00 am

Interval starts at 10.30 am - 10.50 am

Lunch is 12.30 pm - 1.00 pm

School finishes at 2.30 pm



If your child/ren are absent from school or need to be excused from fitness, sports etc. You must phone and send a note to school. If your child is ill and away from school a medical certificate is required after 3 days.


We expect Ruakituri to be a safe school where all students are valued and are able to learn. Therefore we expect good, positive behaviour of all people on the school grounds during instruction and school events.

The school has a Behaviour Management/Anti Bullying  Policy that you are welcome to look at. Where students break rules or do not complete tasks to a reasonable standard, detention may be given at the discretion of the teacher.  The teacher will sort the behavior out using strategies and if they are not achieved the next step is to notify the parents. We have policies in place. It is expected that you will speak to your child about appropriate behaviour and follow up supporting the teachers decision and feeling safe at our school. Bullying and physical misconduct is not tolerated. We praise and reward positive behaviour also.

Newsletter, Uniforms, Healthy Lunches & Recycling


There is a newsletter that goes out each fortnight and is available on our school website. This contains information about what is happening in the school. There is a community section in the newsletter where any member of the community can submit advertisements or notices at no cost. If you wish to place an advertisement in the newsletter it must be in the school office by 9.00 am on Wednesdays.



The students are given uniforms to wear on school outings etc. They are expected to be returned to school washed and all items returned after use. (Please do not iron uniforms, folded neatly is fine)

Please make sure they fit as the children do grow over the year. Tidy, practical dress is required at all times.



We encourage the children to eat healthy and one way is with their lunch. We ask parents to pack a sandwich a snack and fruit. Water is also a good idea, especially over the hotter months.

We are supported by Breakfasts in Schools who provide weetbix and milk to the school for the children to have.



Being an Environmental School we discourage the use of plastics and other rubbish.  Ensure your child/ren come to school with a  reusable lunch box.  No plastic wrap.

Sun smart, School Bus, School Fees & Fundraising


In line with our Sunsmart Policy and being a Sunsmart school we provide sunhats during the summer months and shade when outside. We do have sunscreen, but encourage parents to apply the sunscreen before the child/ren comes to school. Children can bring their own hats and sunglasses if they wish. 


If your child/ren are not on the school bus please contact the Bus Driver  before 7.45 am in the morning.

Please ensure your child/ren behave appropriately while travelling on the bus. Parents are responsible for ensuring their child/ren get on/off the school bus  safely from and when they return home.



Ruakituri School does not charge school fees i.e stationery, uniforms , and EOTC events.



You will be contacted if your assistance is needed for these days, usually through the fortnightly newsletter or by way of a notice. We have an expectation that this is supported by all caregivers as your child/ren do not pay for school fees, stationery, outings and school trips.

Swimming, Stationary & Wairoa West Cluster


Swimming is part of our curriculum and we encourage swimming every day during the summer swimming season. Children are to bring their togs, towels, goggles and swimming caps every day over summer.



The school currently provides free stationery  however we would appreciate if parents could supply a book bag for their child/ren. This is at the Principals Discretion and is subject to change.


We are part of the Wairoa West Cluster Schools. In our cluster are Putere, Ohuka, Te Kura o Waikaremoana and Tiniroto schools. We meet each term for Speeches, Tabloid Sports, Cross Country, and Swimming events.

Medical, Home Learning & Library


All accidents are recorded, minor cuts and abrasions are treated at school and every effort is made to contact the parent if the child is of concern, either in an accident or if they have an illness.

For this purpose it is essential the enrolment forms are filled out in detail to assist with speed of contact if needed.

If your child takes regular medication please let the school know at enrolment. Please arrange to have medicine on hand at school as necessary and remember to check expiry dates.

You will need to sign documentation if medicine is kept at school.



Students are expected to complete home learning while at Ruakituri School. This requires a reader, spelling and a maths game.


There is a wide range of books available in the school library and children are encouraged to loan books at will.